NVDA is a full featured ScreenReader suitable for all versions of Windows.
NVDA is a great solution for people with a visual impairment or who are blind.
Download it by clicking on the logo
A unique piece of software, provides an on-screen, slotted ruler. Useful with dyslexia, when the user skips lines or drops from one line to the next. This version allows the user to select the bar width, 25%, 50%, 75% or 100% of screen width and set the slot height to the required font size.
This version adds the option to lock the bar onto the mouse pointer for movement, as well as improved keyboard movement options.
Download from http://www.fxc.btinternet.co.uk/VuBar4Setup.exe
Xmind is a great mindmapping tool which is incredibly useful for people with Dyslexia or memory difficulties
With XMind, you can just double-click to create and edit topics anywhere on the map. Drag-and-drop for reorganizing topics, moving markers, taking a mapshot, and adding attachments. You can even search on topic with Google and drag images into your map without leaving the working window.
There is a professional version of xmind which one can pay for - but for most users with a disability this is a great asset
Open source software and free
Down load link is
Its a very low cost magnification app that turns your iPhone into a portable magnifer to read newspapers, labels, timetables etc with. I paid £1.19 for it which in my book is close enough to count as free and its available at
Well worth a download
A sligh tly different AT this week and this one is for Apple Iphone 3GS only
MyStudyBar is the latest initiative from the JISC RSC Scotland North & East.
MyStudyBar is a comprehensive set of portable open source and freeware applications to support learners with literacy difficulties.
MyStudyBar is similar to popular commercial programs which use a floating toolbar to suppor literacy. The main difference is MyStudyBar is free. The toolbar includes a range of tools to support inclusion such as mind mapping, screen masking, word prediction, talking dictionary, text-to-speech, Save as MP3 and voice recognition.
Download MyStudyBar from
Click-N-Type is an on-screen virtual keyboard designed for anyone with a disability that prevents him or her from typing on a physical computer keyboard. As long as the physically challenged person can control a mouse, trackball, touch screen or other pointing device, this software keyboard allows you to send keystrokes to virtually any Windows application or DOS application that can run within a window.
Download this AT from http://www.lakefolks.org/cnt/
This package provides an expanded ring around the mouse pointer for users who have difficulty locating the pointer. Unlike the Windows XP version, this package places a permanent ring around the pointer. This version introduces the option to vary the colour of the Sonar ring.
Download at
Some individuals with apparently normal eyes, experience discomfort and eye strain when viewing computer screens. In some cases these symptoms can be relieved by changing the screen colours.
This can be achieved by changing the Windows Display Properties. However, this process is cumbersome and counter-intuitive. Screen Tinter is a free utility which allows the screen foreground and background colours to be changed at the click of a button.
Available at
AMIS stands for Adaptive Multimedia Information System.
AMIS is a software program that you can use to read DAISY books. It is self-voicing, meaning that no specialized screen-reading software is needed in order for it to be used by visually impaired people. AMIS is open source software and is provided free of charge.
The current version is AMIS 3.1, released December 19, 2009.
Download Amis from http://www.daisy.org/projects/amis/downloads/Setup-amis31-U.S.English.exe
Other Languages available at
Tweet by Thumb is a new program that allows users to access Twitter with one switch!
The basic operation is fairly straight forward,
What you can do in Twitter with only One Switch is this:
- Read Tweets of people you follow
- Tweet Tweets of your own
- Send Direct Messages to people you follow and are follwing you
- Read Direct Messages from people you follow and are follwing you
- Some basic web navigation (switching tabs, back button, page up and down etc)
- Navigate to 6 preset web pages of your choice.
See Tweet By Thumb.